Co-Extruded Mailing Pouches for Secure Mailing
21 Sep 2018

Co-extruded mailing pouches keep parcels sealed and secure for mailing. Since they don't have any unnecessary bulk or weight, they are an affordable packaging method that can keep the items contained within safe and secure without affecting shipping cost. They are available in various sizes to meet the specific applications of all industries and their customers.
Co-extruded mailing pouches in Boston, MA are tamper resistant. All pouches come with a 2" lid with a permanent adhesive which makes tampering obvious. These pouches are specifically designed this way to ensure that all shipped products will arrive safely and in good condition when they reach their destination. The pouches can also be custom-printed to match the branding of your business. With the printed label, customers can easily identify the sender and receiver of all parcels and packages.
Mailing pouches are not just used by courier services, they are essential in industries that offer mail order, data processing, art deliveries, security pouches for banking use and more. If you are in need of high quality co-extruded mailing pouches, contact Atlantic Poly, Inc.