Atlantic Poly Envirotech Recycling Division Wants To Help Your Recycling Efforts

14 Jul 2010

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Atlantic Poly Envirotech Recycling Division Wants To Help Your Recycling Efforts

If you are disposing plastic bags or any of the such, Atlantic Poly wants to help in your contribution to our environment. We have the capabilities to remove the material and recycle it into some of our recycled products. While recycling plastic bags might seem like just a small action, it is actually one of the most important you can take for the environment. Recycled plastics can be used to create new plastics, reducing the need to find new sources of oil. Plastics also create a significant percentage of our solid waste. Garbage dumped into the ocean has created a large area in the Pacific Ocean called the Pacific Garbage Patch, an area covered in floating plastic that is twice the size of the state of Texas. Removing plastic bags from the waste cycle plays an important role in reducing land and water pollution.

Recycling plastic bags helps reduce the use of new plastics. It also helps reduce the use of wood. Most recycled plastic bags become part of a plastic-lumber composite material, reducing the need to cut down forests to create lumber products. In an era of increasing environmental constraint, thinking wisely about reuse rather than using new materials makes sense.