Your Customers Reuse Plastic Bags in Their Homes

30 Jul 2012

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As a buyer of t shirt bags or plastic bags for your business, don’t be confused by the hype about reusable bags and paper bags.

Plastic bags have many uses and they are used over and over.  Think about your household and how often you re-use the plastic bags from the grocery store. We reuse these bags when we need to carry things, we use them for storage, we use them for shoes in suitcases or in sports bags, we use them as lunch bags and we use them when we walk the dog.

There are many households that bring home purchases in plastic bags and hardly ever throw them away until they have had significant use.  Grocery stores, clothing stores, gift shops all use plastic bags for purchases, and your customers are using those bags in their personal lives. It's amazing how many uses there are for plastic bags.  

They are convenient, durable and, when reused, safe for the environment. Contact Atlantic Poly for more information on plastic poly bags for your business.